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Sachin Pillai (India)

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12TH APRIL-11TH MAY, 2014


Sachin has been in Mumbai seven years, having done an initial stint in television where he learnt the basics of the more technical parts of the profession. Ever since then, he's been involved in every aspect of the business with each project he has spearheaded- from shoot to final play-out level mostly editing his own films.


Off-late though, after a very fruitful 1 year in advertising as a DA, and 2 years of freelance he has developed a bank of visual styles over the years. Whether it is combining live action and graphics or purely synthesising visual imagery using effects and filters on set. He likes to look at it as developing a mix of old school and current sensibilities.


His first real taste of art in cinema came upon editing the film 'Man Eats Rock' for performance artist Nikhil Chopra and Munir Kabani, around which time he had been experimenting with his own idea of a non-verbal or abstract narrative. He was also deeply involved in a non-mathematical study of experimental feedback with VJ Viktor Furiani.


Sachin's films are best described as fragile in terms of shot-taking, as he likes to look for moments that punctuate states of the mind in cinematic form. Frequently interspersing graphics with live action, the VFX themselves derived in some way from reality.

© 2014-2020 Karma Yatri | © 2019 (KYTA) Karma Yatri Travel and Art

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