"The Best Retreats for
Artists in India" (2017)
travel to, into and through art
KYTA (Karma Yatri Travel and Art) is an experimental residency program currently based in the Himalayan villages of Kalga (Sosan, Himachal Pradesh) and Stok (Leh and Ladakh). The focus of the residency is to research and explore the relationship between travel, living, culture, community, art and expression. The artistic focus is on the process and the confluence of various creative practices and thought streams across experimental human endeavour.
As a framework for our annual group residency, we invite experimental artists, scientists, technologists and researchers from various disciplines and nationalities every year for a 5-week period. The participants are curated through a private network and recommendations from past participants and team members. The annual residency concludes with a public showcase including exhibitions, live performances and experiences, screenings, workshops and cookouts. We also facilitate other opportunities for custom site-specific research and projects as well as self-directed residencies through the year in both locations.
We continue to build associations and partnerships with experimental artists, projects and institutions globally to expand the scope of cultural exchange with India. In our past editions, we have hosted a bilateral (India-France, 2015), a trilateral (India-Switzerland-South Korea) and an Indo-Europe edition in 2018 to produce close encounters and dialogues with different countries and cultures. In 2019, an Indo-Australian exchange will be initiated as part of KYTA 2019, in our inaugural edition at our new location and residency space - Stok, Leh.
We are now accepting applications for custom research and production residencies in both our locations through the year.
residency locations
In Kalga, our vision is to establish the Himalayan village as one of the choicest destinations in the world for imagining, producing and experiencing art with long-term ecological and sustainable impact
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In Leh, we are at the beginning of our journey in 2019 and we intend to co-create a collective vision and direction for our work in the region, along with our resident and visiting artists, local partners and people
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updates / news
 2020 Virtual ResidenciesWith restrictions on travel in 2020, the very core of our residency has been challenged and affected. While the body cannot travel, the mind can, and so we invited 2 residents from across many oceans to virtually travel, exchange and share with the people and culture of our new destination - Ladakh. The road never ends! |  Ladakh Arts Platform 2019KYTA partners with LAMO (Ladakh Arts and Media Organisation) to establish a new international-regional collective showcase featuring arts, media and performance from Ladakh and beyond. |  KYTA moves to Stok, LadakhThe inaugural edition of KYTA opens in the village of Stok in 2019 with a commitment of 5 years (2019-23) with a focus on bringing together the traditional and the contemporary, the artisan and the artists, the local and the global. |
 #KYTA2018 - Open Village ShowcaseNow a tradition at the end of every edition - a meet and greet with the artists, their works and the muse herself - Kalga. |  Announcing KYTA 2018The 5th Annual Edition of KYTA - an Indo-Euro Experiment will open on the 8th of September and run through the 15th of October - the last 4 days will be celebrated as an Open Village Showcase in the Himalayan village of Kalga! |  KYTA 2014-17 CatalogA brief introduction to the beginning, the past editions and a closer look at the artistic results of KYTA 2017. |
 #KYTA2017: Archive & WalkthroughThe resident artists from South Korea curated by Jaehong Jo (Artlabban) opened an exhibition of their experiences and artworks at Artertain, Seoul (17.01 - 31.01) |  #KYTA2017 PresentationThe artists and team of #KYTA2017 presented their experience and artworks on invite by the Gujral Foundation in New Delhi |  #KYTA2017 Showcase: WalkthroughOur first Open Village Showcase was held in the Himalayan village of Kalga. A series of videos are now available on our YouTube channel encapsulating the artworks and the experiences at #KYTA2017 |
 Karma Quad StudiosA new facility establishing an experimental audio environment in the Himalayas. Created by Sound.Codes and supported by Modi Digital, the facility has a quad speaker setup and a pair of custom synths. The studio will be open to experimental sound artists in the summer of 2018 as a making and listening space. |  #KYTA2017: Open Village Showcase!4 days of exhibitions, performances, workshops, talks, cookouts, home stays and camping, treks up in the Himalayan village of Kalga! |  Announcing KYTA 2017KYTA 2017 will be a trilateral edition featuring 17 artists from India, Switzerland and South Korea! The residency's focus will remain on building new artworks, experiences and digital pieces for the Kalga art collection and archives.
Supported by Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council, KYTA 2017 will be an official partner to "70 Years of Swiss-Indian Friendship: Connecting Minds - Inspiring the Future."
Poster design: Diya Sarker |
 Kyta 2016 CatalogueA brief introduction to the beginning, the past editions and a closer look at the artistic results of KYTA 2016. |  Inedie (2017): TrailerIn the 2015 KYTA residency, 11 artists representing India and France made a feature film from scratch as an unified artistic result. The film now features music by 8 experimental Indian sound artists. |  KYTA 2016 ArtistsAnnouncing the artists at KYTA 2016 that include 5 Indian and 5 international artists from Slovakia, Italy, South Africa, Germany and USA. Residency opens September 09 until October 16.
The 3rd annual edition of KYTA will mark the beginning of building Kalga's own private art collection spread over the Himalayan village besides installations and small scale exhibitions within its buildings. We will also focus on producing new video pieces, virtual artworks and process documentation. |
 KYTA 2016: Curator's NotePast, present and the near future of KYTA with key links to discover the project. |  KYTA 2015 Artistic ResultThe 2nd edition of Karma Yatri Travel and Art (KYTA) was a 6-week bilateral residency program (Oct 17 - Nov 30, 2015) exploring the Indo-French corridor with 5 cross-disciplinary experimental artists each, from both countries, coming together to produce material for a feature-length film.
Poster by Sumaiya Sayed. |  Kalga-5: A new global arts villageKYTA is the beginning of "KALGA-5", a 5-year-plan (2014-2018) envisioned to transform the identity or the perception of the village with the infusion of a creative culture striving to forge long-term relationships between the village and artists from multiple practices and various nationalities. |
 aLpha - KYTA 2014 ProductionIn the 1st edition played out over a month in April-May 2014, 5 artists from different parts of India and 5 artists from various nationalities (France, Brazil, USA, Argentina and Taiwan) fused their ideas, skills and practices to produce an experimental film titled aLpha. |